Transformation – You want it… You want it…But…

Transformation – many of us want, or at least we say we do. Let’s be honest here, it is dam scary! So, let’s say there is something you want to be different – a new job, more money, improve your health, move to new home, and my specialty, a new relationship. Who do you need to be – to have it – to manifest that life? To create something new invariably means some sort of letting go. We may think we are ready for something different, but we have gotten pretty good at managing the “ick” in our lives. We know how to soothe that ach and loneliness for a relationship, we know how to exist in the job that is numbing our brain and closing off our hearts, because well, it pays the bills.

Before I moved to a small town in Wisconsin, I lived in Chicago – not in the Chicago area but right in the middle of City. While a part of me loved living in the City it was exhausting. For years, I searched for that taste of country life. Part of me believed that there was something mystical about living in a small town. A simpler life, more connected to nature, where every day events were somehow elevated because you didn’t have to deal with the inherent chaos of living in a big city, or the strip mall life of suburbia.

A visit from a butterfly

I used to drive through small towns of the Midwest on weekend getaways. I tried to connect with people during brief conversations in a store or while pumping gas. I was always wondering what it would be like to live there…but what would I do? How could I fit in? I longed for that “simpler life” or at least my fantasy of it. I didn’t know how to really create that life. I was a Jewish progressive who occasionally talks to dead people for a living, looking for a small town to put down roots. As intuitive as my metaphysical Pisces self can be, I am also very analytical – waayyy too analytical. So I would over think it to death and talk myself out of any change.

The low point came on the way home from one of my weekend jaunts with my dog Rudy. I pulled into a Cracker Barrel restaurant. I had never been to one before. Maybe it was the rockers on the front porch but it represented “country life” to me. I went into the gift store of the restaurant and looked around…trying to find something to buy to make me feel connected. I starred at a jar of chow chow relish – nope that wasn’t going to do it. I left and got back in my car and started journaling about the insanity. It was time.

I knew at that time I had to let go of the familiar, get out of the proverbial comfort zone and make a change. The series of events that happened after that were quite miraculous although plenty challenging, the details of which I will leave for another time. So what makes us finally make the decision to go for what we want – to allow for transformation? Often it is when the fear of not moving, become greater than the fear of moving we take action. When we take those first steps – everything starts to align in our favor. As Martin Luther King said “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”

PS – For the Ladies, if you are ready to explore taking the first step on The Journey to Meet Your Mate, contact me to find out how I can support you at

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3 Responses to Transformation – You want it… You want it…But…

  1. Robyn says:

    oh so true Julee! The only one who truely stands in our way is ourselves and once we find the courage to confront ourselves (which I see as taking the “1st step”) a wonderful and new world of experience and learning opens up to us!
    You put it so eloquently….a beautiful way with words! 🙂

  2. Thanks for sharing your insights Robyn! I am glad you enjoyed it.

  3. Carolyn says:

    Great insights, Julee. Moving along the path with faith is the key to transformation.

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